Customer Information Bulletins

The Registrar-General's Customer Information Bulletins:

No. Released Topic
CIB #382 01/06/2023 CIB #382 Fees and Charges 2023-2024 (PDF 228.9 KB)
CIB #381 30/05/2023 CIB #381 Land Titling Advisory Group Results of Past Member Survey (PDF 205.6 KB)
CIB #380 24/04/2023 CIB #380 River Murray Flood Relief (PDF 403.1 KB)
CIB #379 07/03/2023 CIB 379 Extension to exemption for compliance with DPL CAD Standard (PDF 233.8 KB)
CIB #378 14/12/2022 CIB #378 Expressions of Interest: 2023 & 2024 Land Titling Advisory Group Membership (PDF 77.8 KB)
CIB #377 15/11/2022 CIB #377 ePlanning system end of year updates (PDF 267.8 KB)
CIB #376 07/11/2022 CIB #376 ORG Location Change (PDF 82.8 KB)
CIB #375 04/11/2022 CIB # 375 Extension to exemption for compliance with DPL CAD Standard (PDF 64.4 KB)
CIB #374 13/09/2022 CIB #374 Client Communication - Public Holiday (PDF 91.0 KB)
CIB #373 31/05/2022 CIB #373 - Fees and Charges 2022-2023 FY (PDF 85.9 KB)
CIB #372 18/03/2022 CIB #372 Office of the Registrar-General web presence has moved (PDF 68.7 KB)
CIB #371 01/03/2022 CIB #371 - DPL CAD Standard- Exemption Requirements (PDF 92.1 KB)
CIB #370 15/12/2021 CIB #370 Compliance with Digital Plan Lodgement CAD Standard (PDF 107.8 KB)
CIB #369 09/12/2021 CIB #369 Results of eConveyancing Survey 2021 (PDF 68.5 KB)
CIB #368 09/11/2021 CIB #368-PCplansMGA application- new version available (PDF 79.0 KB)
CIB #367 08/11/2021 CIB #367- Model Operating Requirements and Model Participation Rules Consultation- Version 7 (PDF 70.5 KB)
CIB #366 01/11/2021 CIB #366 Audit Compliance Framework and Resissued Cadastral Survey Guidelines (PDF 78.5 KB)
CIB #365 22/10/2021 CIB #365 Adoption of Digital Plan Lodgement (PDF 69.8 KB)
CIB #364 23/09/2021 CIB #364 New DSAs and OSG website (PDF 93.2 KB)
CIB #363 25/08/2021 CIB #363 eConveyancing Survey (PDF 75.4 KB)